Is CSTD Bath accredited?
CSTD Bath Supervision Training has been officially recognised by the HIP College of UKCP as a 'Recognised Supervisor Training' (RST) since 2016 and meets all requirements for this recognition.

Is there an entry requirement to the training?
Candidates should be an accredited member of one of the Helping Professions and a member of a professional association with a code of ethics and complaints procedure.  

Our candidates cover a range of professions including: psychotherapists, counsellors, doctors, health assistants, teachers, interfaith ministers, mental health practitioners, psychologists, social workers, nurses, nurse managers, acupuncturists, drama therapists, art therapists, homeopaths and coaches.

Is it possible to have a different supervisor from those listed?
Yes. Our list of Supervisors on Supervision is not a closed one. The criteria for Supervisors coming on to the list are as follows: experienced in delivering supervision; having a good working knowledge of the Hawkins-Shohet Seven-Eyed Model; being able to offer 10 sessions of supervision on supervision over a period of time, ideally over the duration of the course, and delivered separately from any other supervisory activity. If you would like a Supervisor of Supervision who is not named on our list please contact us at info@cstdbath.co.uk

Do I have to have completed the 50 hours of supervision delivered before I attend the final module, Supervision Integration?
No. We offer a degree of flexibility about this because Supervision Integration happens twice a year.  It is possible to attend this Module and at a later date complete the required hours and the final paperwork of the qualifying process. Although we do like students to have a minimum of 25 hours of supervision practice completed by the time they attend the Integration module. 

Does group supervision count as part of the 50 hours of supervision? Is there any separate requirement to do any hours of group supervision if that module is taken?
Yes - Group supervision can be counted towards the 50 hours.
Students can take the Groups Module whether they want to do group supervision or not.....some specifically want/need it....others do it out of interest or because they may want to supervise groups in the future.

50 hours of supervision - Is there any paperwork that needs to be completed to evidence 50 hours of supervision? Or is it more informally logged and just relayed later?
No paperwork required. Basically we have a sense of trusting our students to keep an accurate informal record of the supervision that they deliver..... This is then recorded by their Tutor on the Form filled in at the Final Qualifying Tutorial

In the supervisors of supervision list, are there any supervisors that are more geared towards coaches?
Yes - this is indicated by an asterisk beside the names on the list.

How do I arrange who is my tutor and to book a tutorial?
This is discussed on the Fundamentals Module. You can choose any tutor from the list (see Student Handbook) and contact them using their published contact details. Please also see the guidelines about tutorials (when and how many) in the Handbook.

Psychotherapeutic Supervision module - Is this suitable for coaches who are wanting more psychological input on supervision, though still embedded in the coaching tradition. Or is this module intended really for psychotherapists and counsellors?
The Module is strongly slanted towards supervisees deepening their relationships with clients. It is not motivational or skills based as such, but it provides a chance to slow down, reflect on self and other, think deeply about relational patterns and how these might help/hinder supervision

Is it possible to supervise a colleague to count towards supervision hours?
This is best if it's a separate arrangement with a colleague and just working 'one way'.....so then there is absolute clarity about the supervisor role. The aim of this possibility is to extend opportunities to supervise/gain experience and especially for those struggling to find supervisees.

How long will it take me to complete my training?
Experience has taught us the minimum period for taking the course is 12 months.  Most people take about two years.  We recommend that people take at least 12 months to complete. For this reason, we suggest that you do not book your Integration Module date until you have commenced training. 

If I am unable to attend can I transfer to another module?
As per our cancellation policy
Changing from one course date to another will incur an administration fee of:

More than 8 weeks prior to the course - £25.
8-4 weeks prior to course - £50.
Student postponement/cancellation of course module booking with less than 4 weeks’ notice the full fee is payable.

Can I pay by instalments?
The answer to this is yes, so long as the deposit is paid to secure the place and the balance is paid in full before attending the course.


Contact CSTD for more information on bespoke training